4(1) - Off to Tremolat

Sunday 25 September / Heavy rain in the morning, cloudy for the remainder of the day
Arriving in Ste. Emilion (video)

(Remember the menu to the left has albums of photos)

Had a nice breakfast by Lucie, packed our suitcases because Gourmet Touring were scheduled to pick it up and schlep it to our rendezvous where we give up the car and meet up with the freewheeling tour, and then went out to do some exploring in the car (roof up) (in pouring rain).

First stop, a tour of a vineyard owned by Michel Lacost.  Nice man, his son wasn't around (who knew English), so Lisa was thrown into getting her French up to snuff - and she did a very commendable job.

Second stop, a small town called Langon where we got out and walked around (the rain by now had stopped).  Dropped into a chocolat shoppe called La Fortune and bought 4 or 5 very rich and tasty chocolats.  I love the dark chocolat - who am I kidding, I like all chocolat!  Then there was the hunt for a washroom.  Finally we spotted signs to - yes - "I'm lovin' it" - McDonald's which we knew would be outside of town in some type of mall.  So into the car and off we went.  Made it in time.

We then set the nav to our final stop, Ste. Emilion where we drop the car, get our luggage and join the cyclists.  When we got there, slowly the group arrived.  First Ross and Willa, then Doug and Paula, followed by Steve and Yolande, and Margaret and Keith.  Finally Cathy and the freewheelers (Steve and John) arrived on the scene and we were off to the van for a ride (1.5 hours) to our hotel Le Vieux Logis in Tremolat where our bikes awaited our butts for our custom adjustments.  Steve and John were great.  Bikes were fitted, our seats and pedals installed and even my cycling computer (one needs to know ones speed and distance, after all there are speed limits on these roads).

The evening was capped off by cocktails and a 5 or more course fantastic meal.  I had the duck (#4 for those counting).  The photo depicts one of the desserts (actually in this case Lisa's).  Then off to bed, riding starts tomorrow.